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codefriar edited this page Oct 5, 2023 · 2 revisions


This provides a common interface for classes & methods developers want to expose to flow. Intrepid developers will note you could just implement the Callable interface in all of your classes. However, this class provides a few benefits:

  • It provides a common interface for all of your classes, which makes it easier to understand what is exposed to flow.
  • It provides a common exception type, which makes it easier to handle exceptions in flow.
  • It provides a common wrapper for returning custom objects, which makes it easier to return custom objects in flow. This is an abstract class. This means the classes you want to expose to flow must extend this class. Extending this class will require you to implement the call() method. This is used by the Callable interface and is how developers can expose multiple class methods to flow without writing 1 class with 1 invocable method per method exposed. It should be noted that you should consider this a pattern. Modifying this pattern on a per-class basis would offer more flexibility, additional focus on input types and output types, and more control over the flow experience.

Implemented types



public List call(String methodName, List<Map<String,Object>> passedParameters)

This is a required method of the callable interface that this class implements. You'll need to extend the class you intend to expose to flow with this one, and implement this method.


Param Description
methodName This is a string representing the name of the method you want to call.
passedParameters This is a map of parameters you're passing to your method.


Type Description
List Object This returns a generic Object. This is the return value of the method you're calling.

protected List extractParameter(String parameterName, List<Map<String,Object>> parameters, Type parameterListType)

Extracts values from a list of parameters. Used by implementations of the Invocable framework.


Param Description
parameterName the parameter name to extract into the list
parameters the parameters provided by the flow framework
parameterListType the Type of the new list to create


Type Description
List List<Object> The list of extracted values, in the same data type as requested



This is a common exception object shared by all classes that extend this class. Used primarily by this class to throw exceptions when the call() method is not implemented, or when the call() method doesn't handle the method name or parameters passed to it.




a 2D point.

Implemented types



private Point(Integer x, Integer y)


Param Description
x the x coordinate
y the y coordinate


private hashCodeInteger
private xInteger
private yInteger


public Integer hashCode()

Used by Map/Set to identify unique values quickly

Type Description
Integer Integer returns a unique value based on x, y coordinates
public Boolean equals(Object other)

checks if the current instance is equal to another

Param Description
other The object to check for equality
Type Description
Boolean Boolean returns true if the objects are equal, false otherwise
public Integer compareTo(Object other)
Param Description
other the other object to determine sort order
Type Description
Integer Integer negative when this is smaller, positive when greater, 0 when equal


Processes flow input values and returns flow output values


private Processor()

Default constructor for shared initialization

public Processor(List&lt;List&lt;UniversalFlowInputOutput&gt;&gt; inputs)

Constructor used for bulk flow processing

Param Description
inputs the flow inputs from a collection of bulk flow inputs
public Processor(List&lt;UniversalFlowInputOutput&gt; inputs)

Constructor used for single bulkified flow processing

Param Description
inputs the flow inputs from a collection of flow inputs


private controllersMap&lt;String,BulkCallable&gt;
private inputsList&lt;List&lt;UniversalFlowInputOutput&gt;&gt;
private inputsByClassMethodByIndexMap&lt;String,Map&lt;Point,UniversalFlowInputOutput&gt;&gt;
private outputsList&lt;List&lt;UniversalFlowInputOutput&gt;&gt;
private typeErrorsMap&lt;String,String&gt;


public List execute()

processes a single bulkified flow

Type Description
List<UniversalFlowInputOutput> List&lt;UniversalFlowInputOutput&gt; the flow inputs from a bulkified flow transaction
public List executeBulk()
Type Description
List<List<UniversalFlowInputOutput>> List&lt;List&lt;UniversalFlowInputOutput&gt;&gt; the flow inputs from a collection of flow inputs
private void prepare()

prepares the data structures we need to process

private void loadClasses()

Attempts to instantiate controllers and records errors

private void processInputs()

runs each of the requested methods with the related inputs

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