UnityVolumeRendering Release 1
New features:
- JPEG compressed DICOM support, using SimpleITK (Windows only - Linux is WIP)
- NRRD support, using SimpleITK (Windows only - Linux is WIP)
- NIFTI support, using SimpleITK (Windows only - Linux is WIP)
- Early ray termination (thanks to vahpy)
- Script for generating .unitypackage
To enable SimpleITK, simply open the "Settings" window and click "Enable SImpleITK">
For more information the SimpleITK integration, see the SimpleITK documentation.
Eary ray termination can be enabled by disabling "back-to-front direct volume rendering" under "other settings" on the object:
This will setting will hopefully be removed after some more testing, and front-to-back (with early ray termination?) will be default.