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runescapejon edited this page Aug 23, 2016 · 4 revisions

Colored Backpacks

Colored Backpacks (Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, Purple, etc) do not and will not have special abilities. They're meant to be decorative and/or collectible.

Other Backpacks

Not all backpacks are meant to have special abilities, but many do. They will be added over time.

Diamond Backpack

The Diamond Backpack transforms itself into an Electric Backpack if you are wearing it and get struck by Lightning.

Cactus Backpack

Ability triggered when worn
Ability triggered when placed
The Cactus Backpack will fill its tanks with water if these conditions are met:

  • You are wearing it and you are outside and it's raining.
  • You are wearing it and you are in water (being completely submerged is not necessary).
  • The backpack is placed outside and it's raining.

Melon Backpack

Ability triggered when worn
Ability triggered when placed
The function is exactly the same as the Cactus Backpack, with the difference that it will fill itself with Melon Juice.

Wolf Backpack

Ability triggered when worn
The Wolf Backpack will make you smell like dog. This only works when the backpack is being worn. Angry dogs and wolves in the vicinity will stop being angry and stop attacking the wearer.

Ocelot Backpack

Ability triggered when worn
The Ocelot Backpack will scare Creepers away from the wearer. Don't get too close, though, or they will blow up anyway.

Cow Backpack

Ability triggered when worn
The Cow Backpack will eat wheat from the inventory, up to 16 units, and start creating milk inside the tanks. It will attempt to fill first the left tank, and then the right tank, for 1000mb(milibuckets), or one bucket. After it's done creating milk, it will eat wheat again and repeat the process until the inventory is out of wheat, or the tanks are full of milk or unable to be filled by having any other fluid stored in them. If it runs out of wheat, it will remember how much it has eaten, so each 16 wheat will always be one bucket of milk.

Redstone Backpack

Ability triggered when placed
Wherever you place a Redstone Backpack, it will behave like a regular Redstone Block, and emit a redstone signal of strenght 15.

Glowstone Backpack

Ability triggered when placed
Wherever you place a Glowstone Backpack, it will illuminate the area by emitting a level 15 light.

Bat Backpack

Ability triggered when worn
The Bat Backpack will enable you to see in the dark by infusing the player with the Night Vision potion effect.

Squid Backpack

Ability triggered when worn
The Squid Backpack will let you breathe underwater by giving the Water Breathing potion effect if you are in water.

Skelleton Backpack

Ability triggered when worn
The Skelleton backpack functions like a quiver, so any arrows in it's inventory will be used before the arrows in the player's inventory when firing a bow.

Chicken Backpack

Ability triggered when worn
The Chicken Backpack will drop an egg every five minutes or so (it's random). The first egg will plop after 5 seconds of being worn.

Pig Backpack

Ability triggered when worn
The Pig Backpack will oink while you're wearing it, randomly. You will never feel alone again. Also, if you are struck by lightning while wearing it, it will transform into a Pigman Backpack.

Pigman Backpack

Ability triggered when worn
The Pigman Backpack makes it easier to survive in the Nether by giving you the Fire Resistance potion effect.

Dragon Backpack

Ability triggered when worn
This is still a work in progress, but at the moment the Dragon Backpack will give you Fire Resistance, Strenght, Water Breating and Regeneration while you are wearing it.

Bookshelf Backpack

Ability triggered when placed
The Bookshelf Backpack will increase the enchanting level of an Enchanting Table if it's placed near it, just like regular bookshelves. It has a greater effect than regular bookshelves thought.

Rainbow Backpack

Ability triggered when worn
If you are wearing this backpack and you eat a golden apple, something awesome happens. It can be rather annoying too.

Creeper Backpack

Ability triggered when worn
If you are wearing a Creeper Backpack and want to give a friend a good scare, just walk near them and sneak. It will do the "fizzzzzzz" sound the creepers do when they're about to explode. It only works if you are near another player.

Slime Backpack

Ability triggered when worn
When you are wearing the Slime Backpack, whenever you're sprinting slime particles will come at your feet, and your walking will sound slimy. Gross.
Additionally, walking will be slippery, like if you were on ice.
At full moon nights, you get a bonus in speed.

Modded Network

backpack The abilities for this backpack is coming soon ....