This repository contains the MATLAB scripts for reproducing the experiments in our paper
- Yujie Tang*, Yang Zheng* and Na Li. Analysis of the Optimization Landscape of Linear Quadratic Gaussian (LQG) Control. Mathematical Programming, under review, 2021 (A short version was accepted at L4DC, 2021) (*Equal contribution)
The gradient descent algorithms are implemented in
- LQG_gd_cano.m (partial gradient over the controllable canonical form)
- LQG_gd_full.m (full gradient)
Run Example_Doyle.m to see some performance; more examples are included in the Examples folder.
The "dLQR" folder contains the Python scripts for reproducing the experiments in our paper
- Jingliang Duan, Wenhan Cao, Yang Zheng, Lin Zhao (2022). On the Optimization Landscape of Dynamical Output Linear Quadratic Control. preprint
Run to see the learning curves of example 1 in our paper; similar for other five examples.