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Maven plugin usage

jd edited this page Jul 24, 2014 · 3 revisions

Grapes maven plugin provides two goals:

  • grapes:generate : used to generate a JSON file that gathers all the dependencies of a maven project
  • grapes:notify : used to send the JSON file produced by the generate goal to a Grapes server instance

Gathering dependencies without changing the pom:

Here is the command line to gather the dependencies of a project:

    mvn org.axway.grapes:grapes-maven-plugin:generate

At the end of the execution a file "module.json" is created in ${}/grapes/.

Gathering dependencies changing project pom configuration:

Add the following information in your pom file:


Then in your favorite CI server or in command line run the following script:

    mvn clean package

At the end of the execution a file "module.json" is created in ${}/grapes/.

Sending the report to a Grapes server:

Once the report has been built by the execution of "generate" goal, the following command line sends the report to a Grape server:

    mvn org.axway.grapes:grapes-maven-plugin:notify -Dgrapes.user=usr -Dgrapes.password=pwd

Here we assume that we are using a Grapes server is configured as follow:

  • host:
  • user: usr
  • password: pwd

Of course, if you want you can add the configuration of the plugin in the pom file of your project:


We suggest you to avoid setting the user / password in your pom file to avoid to spread it to everybody. Though with this configuration you can run:

    mvn org.axway.grapes:grapes-maven-plugin:notify -Dgrapes.user=usr -Dgrapes.password=pwd