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daelsaid edited this page Apr 8, 2019 · 13 revisions

Welcome to the scsnl_create_npvisit_batchfiles wiki!

This wiki is tailored to 2 specific audiences.

If you are an Assessor, feel free to navigate directly to the Instructions for Assessors

NP computer path

To Note: The specific drive used to access the the scripts will vary from user to user. The path used depends on which drive was selected during initial setup

Windows operating system example:
- Path 1: C:\project_template_folders
- Path 2: Z:\project_template_folders
- Path 3: A:\project_template_folders

All of these paths are completely correct and do not impact the usage of these scripts.

PATH to scored PID visits

windows cmd: \\[]\Neuropsych
linux: /mnt/[mounted_drive]/Neuropsych

Current Lab Standard for any participant visit with behavioral/neuropsychological data

├── [PID]
│   ├── visit[#]
│   │   └── assessments
│   │       ├── lab_experiments
│   │       │   ├── questionnaire
│   │       │   └── strategy_assessment
│   │       └── standardized_experiments


  • Add each project's NP breakdown by visits
  • screen shots of assessor computer
  • After putting everything on assessor computer adn testing, update scripts and instructions if anything changes
  • Print out copy of wiki as protocol