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daelsaid edited this page May 1, 2019 · 1 revision
Important information and safety checks (examples are listed below)
Study specific information:
  1. For MET and ASD_MET, the appointment time point determines the content that is copied from the template folders
    • pre,post,followup are the options to select from
    • tutoring folder is generated using a separate script
Fail safes to prevent user-error:
  1. If the visit number entered matches an existing folder with the same visit number, you will be informed to check the folder and make sure that the visit # is accurate
  2. If the initial PID # and confirmation PID numbers differ you will be informed of the discrepancy and asked to restart the program and re-enter the participants information
  3. If the initial visit and confirmation visit numbers differ you will be informed of the discrepancy and asked to restart the program and re-enter the participants information
  4. If the visit number entered matches an existing folder with the same visit number, you will be informed to check the folder and make sure that the visit # is accurate
  5. If the project name is entered incorrectly and does not match the options listed, the program will exit and the window will close