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How to begin non‐ephys boxes

Antwan-Green edited this page Aug 18, 2023 · 1 revision

Beginning Non-Ephys boxes

-To begin, a “cohort” is defined as a set of mice to be studied, and this typically involves using 16 mice for a behavioral study (and an additional 4 for electrophysiology recording).

-This guide will currently only cover how to begin a behavioral cohort. Before beginning, use the Preparation Checklist- both to begin and to make sure that you have all materials.

-All cohorts are monitored by ULAM husbandry to ensure animal health and safety. To this end, you will post a log-in sheet at the door so that personnel can log their visits.

-The cage will be completed with Lab Jack, Infrared Camera, and feeding system.

-The feeding system is comprised of food and water. The water system is comprised of two (2) syringes that are filled with regular and 1% sucrose water. Each syringe leads into an infrared beam-break dispenser, such that fluid is dispensed when a mouse pokes their head through the beam.

-This dispensing is done by a solenoid, where fluid is taken in, and a hydraulic pump pushes the liquid to be delivered to the mice. An Arduino controls the flow of fluid. -There is also a controlled light that runs on various cycles but is mostly done in a 12hr:12hr light/dark cycle. -The feeding system, comprised of a fatty and regular food dispenser, is controlled mainly by a rotation mechanism that, once the beam-break activates, will cause one food pellet to fall through a chute to the cage.

-There is also a running wheel that connects to the computer through a connective jack. -The infrared camera is to be running 24/7, excluding times when cage checks happen.

  1. Now, we can prepare cages to house the mice.
  2. Firstly, ensure that the cage has three (holes): Two for the feeding/water mechanism, and one for the cord that records the running wheel.
  3. Once holes are identified/drilled, place the running wheel into the cage and connect gray wire to the bottom of the wheel. Ensure that, once the wheel is set down, the wheel remains flat.
  4. Now, place one cup of bedding. There should be enough to cover the bottom of the cage.
  5. Then, place ¼ of an enrichment square into the cage.
  6. Now we place the feeding system in front of the cage, and gently slide the cage forward such that the feeding system is flush with the cage.
  7. Now, you may place your mouse in the cage, place the lid.
  8. Fill designated sucrose syringe with 10mL of sucrose via pipette, ensuring that sucrose pipette rests either A) in its designated bottle or B) in its designated holder, located on the wall immediately to your right upon entering.
  9. Repeat for regular water.
  10. Once feeding system is in place, take one (provided) scoop of regular food and place it in the designated location (we will cover locations in the daily check sections), and repeat for fatty food.
  11. Ensure that all four dispensers are functional before beginning cohort.
  12. Ensure that camera is recording, and that wheel is correctly recording before closing box. (Faulty wheel recording can be identified by observing high numbers in recording software, typically above 10.0).
  13. Repeat the above steps for desired number of behavioral boxes.
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